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YouGuysAreStupid.com Walking across the country so you don't have to...
5/2/24 9:41pm
0 Days
Walking across the country so you don't have to...
Photo Gallery
2003-09-18 - In the town of Wendover - Wendover, UT

Click on a thumbnail image below to view the larger version

A corvette pulling a trailer, how wrong is that

Cool army and airforce tags on the side of the mountain

Cool little cabins for rent in the KOA camp ground behind the Red Garter

Erik (me) after washing my hair in a sink, I'm so dang sexy

Inside the Red Garter 2

Inside the Red Garter

Neat old drive-in

The part of town we couldn't see last night

The pizza hut that wouldn't deliver to us outside of town but we ended up going to later anyway

This casino was attached to the other one with a walkway over the road

This place had a huge crazy screen

Wendover from a distance

Hey, we don't guarantee that these photos or videos will make you laugh, cry, love us or hate us.  We do promise that some of them might be kind of cool.  Well, we hope you find some of them worth the photons.  Although, some of them will definitely blow chunks.  Can we say that on the radio?  Blow Chunks.  It's kind of fun to say.

Oh, yeah, sorry, back to the disclaimer: In other words, we take pictures of stuff and you look at the stuff we took pictures of.  We mean nothing in particular by taking the pictures, other than the fact that we thought the stuff was picture-worthy at the time.  If that's not a good enough disclaimer, and you're a lawyer-person and think you can do better, then fine!  Let us know and maybe we'll put your fancy bo bancy disclaimer here!

Almost forgot; these images and videos are copyright YouGuysAreStupid.com and cannot be used without the express permission of the owners (which would be Andy, Erik and John.)  On the other hand, we're not going to tell you not to send any of these pix to your friends... just make sure to tell them where you got the pictures!